What is your Temperament?

Mira-Johanna completed the quiz "What is your Temperament?" with the result Melancholy.

You are a deep ocean and just as violent.
You are emotional and thoughtful, artistic and musical.
Even if you don't draw or play and instrument, art and ...music play a big part in your life. You are talented and creative. You are philosophical and poetic.
Sometimes that means you create a piece of art or poetry, and sometimes it means you have a new idea or a new way of approaching something. You are always an original.
You underestimate yourself and are sensitive. You put others before yourself.
You feel their pain. When someone has a problem, they come to you. Not to solve it, but to cry with them.
You are analytical and conscientious. Even with all this analysis you are idealistic.
You appreciate beauty.
You see things others miss, and can feel a problem coming like a chill before the rain.
You are orderly and organized and strive for perfection in everything you do.
You value things, people, resources. You are very focused on the details.
You make friends cautiously and the friends you have are few and very close to you.
You are very faithful and devoted.
You value loyalty and can become resentful if betrayed.
You seek out special people who see your depth and beauty and they travel with you for long friendships.
You have a deep concern for other people and will listen to their complaints. People rely on you.
Introvert: The Resident Genius..

Det var ett långt Facebook-test, och rätt svårt. Och man fick ett långt svar, som ni ser. Men tyckte faktiskt att mycket, nästan allt, stämde in rätt bra! :oS

Jag är djup ;o) emotionell, känslig och tänker mycket - mer på andra än på mig själv.
Jag är kreativ, originell, känslig och analyserar mycket! Och ja jag ser sånt andra inte gör, jag ser allt!
Jag har få vänner men vill gärna ha kvar dem, helst förevigt!
Jag är lojal och trogen! Och nej jag pallar inte att man sviker mig.
Jag tänker på andra och känner med dem och så vidare - men jag kanske inte gråter med dem... Jag är nog dålig på att visa mina (med)känslor faktiskt. :oS
Stämmer inte det in på mig eller!?

>>> M-J

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